Ryowa House Real Estate number 1 locally and for the first time ever breaks into top 20 agencies nationwide!

In the Japan Real Estate Newspaper ( 全国賃貸住宅新聞 ) rankings are in for the past year as of January 3rd, 2022 and our company has broken the barrier as a top 20 company nation wide for real estate rental property contracts.

Nationwide rankings listings for hundreds and hundreds of agencies all over Japan in the Japan Real Estate Newspaper ( 全国賃貸住宅新聞 ) on January 3rd, 2022. Ryowa House jumped up from being nationally ranked 23rd in 2021 January to 20th place in January of 2022 and keeping the number one ranking in the Chugoku and Shikoku area.

Area Rank Listings for agencies in the Japan Real Estate Newspaper ( 全国賃貸住宅新聞 ) on January 3rd, 2022.

Ryowa House’s International Store Staff in Hiroshima, Japan

The reason this was even possible was also because of many foreign residents deciding to rent with our international department in 2021. We are glad to help residents overcome the language barrier, understand contracts and apartment culture in Japan, find affordable housing within the resident’s budget and most importantly to be accepted no matter what country you are from and be able to live in foreigner friendly apartments.

We are hoping to help many more residents overcome the housing hurdles they have in 2022.

Reach out to us here or email us at ryowainternational@ryowahouse.co.jp